Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinic
An appointment with your Doctor is not nessary. You can self refer to the maternity services using the following link:
Baby Clinic (Child Health Surveillance)
This is run by the doctor and the practice nurse. At this clinic, babies and children receive their immunisations, growth and development checks and advice on immunisations. Click here for the NHS Immunisation Schedule.
Cervical Smears
The health authority sends reminders to patients when they are due to have a cervical smear test. Female patients aged between 25 and 50 are called every 3 years and patients aged between 50 and 65 every 5 years. These tests are performed by one of our nurses. Click here for more information.
Family Planning
We surgery does not currently offer family planning services. Please contact the Family planning service on 0300 1234 154 or use the link provided
Need your next supply of oral contraception? You can now arrange to get your next supply directly from our pharmacist in confidence.

Health Promotion Clinics
We offer a number of special clinics at the surgery for:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Ischaemic Heart Disease
- Hypertension
These are run by the practice nurse, in normal surgery time. We usually invite patients whom we feel would benefit but if you feel we have missed you, please ask at reception.
Minor Surgery
Certain surgical procedures may be carried out by the Doctors at the surgery. This saves unnecessary visits to the hospital.

Treatment Room
Our nurses are available every day to carry out blood tests, removal of stitches, vaccinations etc. The nurse will also advise on other matters relating to health promotion. Please contact the surgery for more information.
Healthcare Check-ups
We are now offering a free NHS healthcare check for patients aged between 40 and 74 once every five years.
The check is to assess your risk of developing heart disease,stroke, kidney disease or diabetes. If there are any warning signs, then together we can do something about it.
INR Monitoring
For stable patients using Warfarin the practice is able to provide a one-stop shop for testing / dosing and monitoring for INR. Patients should contact the surgery for more information.